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4-H & FFA Dog Show

Date: July 31, 2024
Time: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
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The 4-H/FFA dog project allows students to gain a better understanding and great appreciation for the care that goes into training a dog to not only be a great family pet, but also a well-mannered canine citizen. Under expert guidance, students involved in the dog project train their dog in various aspects of AKC obedience such as heel, sit, down, stay, and come. As students and dogs advance from year to year, the students will also train aspects such as retrieving items and jumping obstacles through the obedience program.

Students also learn the proper way to care for and groom their dog according to their breed standards. These skills are displayed during the showmanship portion of the program where students present their dog to the judge and are judged on how well they are able to handle and display their dog. Dogs in showmanship must be comfortable with the judge petting and handling them and this is also a skill that is practiced during the workshops. The judge will also question the students about their dog breed as well as questions about overall dog care.

Dogs that have successfully completed one year of obedience may also train and compete in agility. The agility course has the dogs climbing A frames, jumping a variety of obstacles, walking the elevated dog walk, crossing the tettor-totter, and going through tunnels and chutes. Agility courses help the dog and handlers gain confidence in their ability to navigate the course successfully as well as coordination skills.
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